"One person can make a difference - Jesus did!”

ONE GOOD MAN or ONE GOOD WOMAN... striving to become even better day by day. Together, we make a family.

Poem by Idris

This is the poem Idris read the second night, 2010 reunion.

A Woman In Prayer

. . . and Father . . .
I’ll never forget the moment when I faced my folks condemned
For the Pearl of Greatest Price which I had found.
My mother cried in anger and my little brother Ben
Clung to me - till dad hurled him on the ground.
My father and his alie said that gospel was a fraud,
And if I would denounce it - stay I might.
But the spirit whispered to me, “You know it is of God.”
Mid screams my folks shewed me into the night.

The gospel’s true conviction made my testimony strong -
The elders found me work for board and keep.
I learned of “Belle Wood” sailing from beloved Liverpool.
Should I leave? Make Zion my home? Cross waters deep?
Affirmative decision - April 1865.
Passed for Harrick’s family member in the dark.
Sickness rampart! Health unusual! Danger varied as we sailed!
Child in coma - kept in trunk - avoiding ever hungry shark.

Landed - New York - June 1 ever grateful for the ground.
On our knees with tear filled eyes we bowed to thee.
Captain William Henry Chipmen’s ox team left to join the saints
Same year, July 13, and they took me.
100 head of cattle stolen - Platte Bridge - by Indians.
Supplies exhausted - Arza Hinckley brought relief.
Journey ended September Hoytsville, Utah, and for real.
I the wife of Jabez Auger to be brief.

I was lonesome for my family - communications almost nill.
Grasshoppers took our crops and times were hard.
But mother’s death and last words were the things that hurt me most . . .
“Ann turned her back on us and on the Lord.”
I think that I was dreaming when I saw her face last night.
The sorrow in her eyes was hard to bear.
She held me, and she loved me, and she whispered in my ear.
Like when I was young - she stroked my hair and said,
“I know that I am asking for more than I deserve.
Satan must have blurred our eyes we couldn’t see
If our family is forever - dear Ann it’s up to you.
He is Christ! I know it! Please help me!”

. . . and Father . . .
I cried, “I will, I will! I’m so grateful for the chance.”
She was gone! Please tell her of my goal.
That we’ll see thy face together at the sounding of the trump
And fuse the tears we missed while here below.

Idris E. Hebdon
This was published in a RS booklet, maybe in the early 1980’s